Cambria Colors – Moonstone Beach Cambria oil painting San Simeon by Karen Winters
Cambria Colors
12 x 16 oil painting on canvas
Cambria, Moonstone Beach, Leffingwell Landing area
See more of my California Central Coast paintings here
See more of my Cambria paintings here
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This was painted during the San Luis Obispo Plein Air festival, 2012 where I was one of a select group of invited artists.
The colors of the beach and ocean really are amazing.
Beagle Dog Pet Portrait oil painting Commission
Beagle pet portrait oil painting
10 x 10 inches
SOLD, painted on commission
Interested in commissioning a painting?
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How time flies! I painted this portrait for a family last year, and because it was intended as a Christmas present I didn’t post it here on my blog, lest the secret be spoiled. Then time moved on and I forgot to mention it. So, I’m presenting it now as an example of an animal portrait – I’ll post the companion portrait of a collie in a few days.
Portraits (of animals or people) make special, unforgettable holiday gifts. It’s a good time to place your order now, as things get busier and busier as the end of the year approaches.
The client for this one lives in a different state from me, so I needed to work from a provided photo instead of taking one myself. But I loved the angle and pose, so I was quite happy to use it.
Sunrise in the Oaks – Tejon Ranch California plein air Landscape impressionist oil painting by Karen Winters
“Sunrise in the Oaks”
11 x 14 oil on linen plein air panel
Tejon Ranch, May 2012
See more of my oak tree paintings here
REMINDER – Artists reception for my show at Gale’s Restaurant, Sunday, May 20 – 4-6 pm, 452 S. Fairoaks Ave., Pasadena
Good morning, Tejon. A small band of intrepid California Art Club plein air painters woke at 4 am to get to the ranch and queue up in our vehicles to be on site before the sun rose. I had found my perfect spot – on Sycamore Creek, looking eastward just as the sun peeked over the hills and made the leaves of the old oak dazzle with the backlight. I had to bundle up and dress in layers, knowing that before long I’d be peeling them off as the day turned warm. This, like all of the Tejon Ranch, is absolutely beautiful – a real treat for plein air painters. We appreciate the invitation and the privilege to be there.
California landscape oil painting- Vineyard and Eucalyptus trees – Summer’s Splendid End by Karen Winters
“Summer’s Splendid End”
16 x 20
California impressionist oil painting
Golden vineyards, eucalyptus trees, rural agriculture and warm golden light. What could be more perfectly “California.”
Interested in other vineyard paintings?
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
California impressionist landscape oil painting – Hahamongna Park, Arroyo Seco, Pasadena – by Karen Winters
“Reflections of springtime”
18 x 24 oil painting on canvas
Hahamongna Park, (Arroyo Seco)
Interested in this painting?
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
See more Pasadena paintings here
Winter rains leave seasonal ponds that eventually evaporate – but while they are present they provide a beautiful mirrored surface on a day with fair weather cumulus. Some of the arroyo has been dredged of its silt to provide a greater water-holding area near the dam, but I hope that the reedy parts will stay as they are.
Montana De Oro Cliffs Painting – California Central Coast Art by Karen Winters
“Montana de Oro Cliffs”
12 x 16 oil on linen panel
California Central Coast oil painting
This plein air painting was started on location on a sunny day on California’s Central Coast. But before long – those distant soft clouds came closer and closer, then let loose with a powerful cloudburst. The light changed so completely I was forced to stop painting and to finish it in the studio based upon my memory (which sometimes works out best of all.)
Interested in this painting?
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
Oak Tree Lighted Path Oil Painting by Karen Winters
“Along the Lighted Path”
11 x 14 oil painting on linen panel
• SOLD to a new collector from San Francisco
Interested in this painting?
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
See more of my landscapes here
From the shelter of an old oak tree, one sees light on the trail beyond. This painting is intended as a metaphor of protection and shelter, with the promise of bright adventures ahead. Or, you can read your own story into it! That’s fine, too. The painting is wet so there’s some glare from the light toward the top.
Speaking of oak trees, and trees in general, Descanso Gardens is now open again and the power is on at the Boddy House – it had been out until yesterday. That means that I will be at the Heritage Gallery in the Boddy House this Saturday and Sunday, if you’ve been planning a visit.
Fall at Convict Lake Eastern Sierra California oil painting by Karen Winters
“Fall at Convict Lake”
12 x 16
oil on canvas
Convict Lake is one of the most accessible High Sierra lakes – and in the fall, when the aspens turn color, it’s especially captivating. Some day I’ll spend the whole day there, just watching the light play across the faces of the granite mountains, as the clouds slowly drift, disappear and reform. I’m not sure what kind of fish were biting that day, but there were a lot of fishermen enjoying the freshness of fall.
Just this side of Paradise – Los Osos Central California plein air oil painting by Karen Winters
“Just This Side of Paradise”
8 x 10 inch
Plein air oil painting
Exhibited in the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
during the 2011 Plein Air Festival
Interested in this painting?
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
See more of my California Central Coast paintings here
This painting was done along Los Osos Valley road one morning, as rain clouds were gathering (or leaving) and the sun was trying to break through. I saw this scene while driving and hurried to turn around and park and set up my easel before the effect was lost. I liked the hay bales stacked up by the eucalyptus trees, so I put them in also.
The central peak in the background is one of the 9 sisters – the volcanic plugs which include Morro Rock and Bishop Peak. I think that one is Cerro Romualdo. It’s pyramid-shaped top is swathed in clouds.
The title comes from the fact that Paradise Lane is quite close by. I seem to run into a lot of places named Paradise – like Paradise camp in the Sierra, too.