Twilight on Back Bay- Los Osos Twilight Central Coast oil painting by Karen Winters

Twilight on Back Bay
9 x 12 oil painting on canvas

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See more of my Morro Bay and Morro Rock paintings here

I’m still catching up posting some of the paintings I did during the San Luis Obispo paint out early in October. This is one of my favorite semi-nocturnes, painted while the sun was in a cloud bank and was in the process of setting. Within a few minutes the sun emerged from the clouds and the whole scene was bathed in warm rosy hues, which I captured very rapidly. Then the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness came quickly.

As you can see in the photo below, I am literally standing in the marshy estuary. The prominent mountain in the distance is Hollister Peak. This work in progress photo was taken while the sun was in the cloud bank.


  1. annie
    December 3, 2011

    Karen, this is absolutely stunning. The colors are so beautiful. It just glows.

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