California Central Coast oil painting “The Kitchen Garden” – Los Osos – by Karen Winters
“The Kitchen Garden”
9 x 12 oil painting
See more of my California Central Coast paintings here
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While I was in San Luis Obispo County for the Plein Air Festival this year, I saw this charming rural scene down a side road in Los Osos. The red barn style house provided a beautiful contrast to the vibrant green eucalyptus trees, and I liked the small vegetable garden growing nearby. It took me back to early California days, a bit of the past still thriving in the present.
Alana aka yorkiehag
March 26, 2016
Thank you so much for sharing your talent. It has been a delight to go all the way though your gallery. Your notation on each painting are wonderful. My problem is that you already sold my four favorite pieces. What am I to do?!?