Windy Vineyard – Temecula Vineyard Landscape Oil Painting
“Windy Vineyard”
12 x 9 oil on canvas laid on panel
Plein air landscape, Temecula,
Falkner Vineyard. November 2010
See more of my vineyard paintings here
This was the third painting I worked on last year at the Falkner Vineyard paint out. I can’t say it was the third painting completed, because the light had changed so completely late in the afternoon (and a cloud bank rolled in) so I knew it was time to call it a day.
I finished it up back in the studio where there was considerably less wine, and a lot less wind.
The folks at the vineyard had a nice reception for us after we all finished painting for the day. After a glass of “Luscious Lips” I erroneously declared this one to be titled “Vindy Wineyard.” The alternate name stuck. So you can call it Vindy Wineyard or Windy Vineyard, depending upon how much Luscious Lips you’ve imbibed.
Have I ever mentioned here that I love to paint eucalyptuses? Only about a hundred times, right?
January 25, 2011
And have I mentioned–only about a hundred times– that I LOVE the paintings of your eucalyptuses? Your love permeates them, Karen. This painting fascinates me, trunks to leaves.