Sedona oil painting – Trail to Bear Mountain
Trail to Bear Mountain
Sedona Plein Air Oil painting
9 x 12 oil on linen plein air panel
(Along Boynton Road, Sedona Arizona)
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I painted this in February, just a few weeks ago, so the grasses are winter-white. The day I was there the Sedona Marathon was going on, and I believe this was part of the route. I painted late in the day after all the marathoners were finished. There is a trailhead in the meadow in front of me, which goes to Bear Mountain. I’d like to try that hike some time. I’ll bet it’s beautiful.
Below, painting by the roadside, while the sun played peek a boo all afternoon. It looks like I was standing in the middle of the road, but I was actually safely off to one side.
romany soul
February 17, 2013
How beautiful. You are lucky to be in such a scenic place.x
Screami mimi
February 18, 2013
So beautiful! How blessed you are to be in this special area! I was only through this area once but the colours left a deep imprssion. Lovely painting. GodBless.
Vaughan Speare
March 28, 2022
Do you have any plein air paintings of Oak Creek by L’auberge in Sedona?