Daisies and Crystal by Karen Winters
Daisies and Crystal 9 x 12 – watercolor
I’m working on a rather large watercolor for a special project, but in the meantime, to have something to post, I did this quick sketch of some flowers in one of my cut glass vases. As it turned out I became more interested in the facets of the cut glass than the flowers. This is 9 x 12, painted freehand with a #14 round brush and a 1″ flat, nothing smaller than that. I didn’t do any pencil underdrawing because I was using this as an exercise to draw with the brush and do some negative painting.
The grays and neutrals in this were composed of the primaries used in the flowers. In other words, palette mud.
But mud can be a very nice thing when it’s used to harmonize and serve as a background to brighter colors.
August 22, 2007
Beautiful flowers Karen..love the colors
Jo Castillo
August 22, 2007
This exercise turned into a great painting!
August 22, 2007
Cut glass is hard to depict but this works okay. The grey-brown makes the colour of the flowers glow. You do have energy for painting. I think I had better garden today – chop back the ivy that makes the fence almost fall over etc. and hoe out some of the grass gone mad amidst the roses.
Brenda Yarborough
August 23, 2007
What a tremendously challenging exercise, and yet one that turned out to be much MORE than a mere exercise! I can’t imagine NOT drawing this first – at least the vase! Loose and lovely – yummy, vibrant colors and a terrific job on the cut glass!! Love it!
August 24, 2007
Karen, I’ve always been fascinated at the methods an artist uses with glass. I just LOVE paintings that feature them. This one is exceptional. I also love all the new paintings. Sorry the show didn’t go better… it’s just been too hot! Holly