Saturday’s Show in La Canada
If you’re in LA, I’m going to be exhibiting these new paintings for the first time tomorrow afternoon at Flintridge’s Sacred Heart Academy. The show and benefit is in conjunction with the California Art Club.
Here’s the info from their press release:
The California Art Club is very excited to be participating in Faith & Hope: Beyond Prison Walls, a benefit art exhibition and sale at in support of Partnership for Re-Entry Program and Families of the Incarcerated, organized by the Office of Restorative Justice. The exhibition, held at the historic Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, will feature work by the Incarcerated through the Arts and Corrections Program, Art Release, and by members of the California Art Club.Proceeds from sales will benefit the incarcerated and their families as they work to transition back into society and to make positive changes in their lives. To purchase tickets for the exhibition and sale, please call Viki Battaglia at the Office of Restorative Justice, 213/637-7428 (Adults $25, Students $10). Participating artists and one guest may attend free. All artwork will be available for purchase (cash and checks only).
The time of the event is 4 pm – 7 pm
Address: 440 St. Katherine Drive, La Canada, CA 91011
Don West
August 17, 2007
Karen…I’ve been lurking here and perusing each post (didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about you 😉
I just wanted to say you’ve got that “California Painters” style down pat. That is a genre in the collector’s world as I’m sure you’re aware. Your oils are absolutely great. Keep painting them. Attention will gather momentum.
I’m really enjoying them!
Jo Castillo
August 17, 2007
Karen, these three paintings are perfect. Congratulations and good luck with the show. Yeah!
August 17, 2007
the bottom picture really draws me in… LOVE IT
August 18, 2007
All three of these are just so beautiful. You’ve developed a really distinctive style and palette. Good luck for the show.
nina j
August 18, 2007
Karen, these three paintings are among the ones I like best of your work. The light and the colours are amazing in all three, and the skies! Wow! I so glad you get to show your work – and in this case for a very good cause too – and I hope you get a lot of good response to it. (In fact, I´m sure you do.)
Good luck!
August 21, 2007
They are all great, but I especially like “Beside Still Waters.” There is something not at all still about that sky.
August 29, 2007
Oh, these are just marvellous! I especially love that second sky …