Huntington Lilypond

Lily Pond Sketch – a small portion of a water lily pond at Huntington Gardens – painted on location last Tuesday in my Raffine Sketchbook.
Most of the lilies were white but there was one plant that sported a magenta/alizarin colored bloom. I saw this exercise as a way to just capture some loose colorful patterns – not to be too literal about veins and waterdroplets and such.


  1. Creekhiker
    May 25, 2007

    Karen, I am so amazed at how many greens you seem to find… it’s awe inspiring. And I love the magenta splash. I drove by the hollyhocks today… they were blooming…not to big yet so they should be great in a few days. Holly

  2. Nancy
    May 26, 2007

    Love the greens you’ve used. Nice loose sketch.

  3. Dave
    May 26, 2007

    Really effective; almost abstract patterns of greens yet it also captures the essence of the plants.

  4. Linda T
    May 27, 2007

    GORGEOUS!! Your artwork has just grown and developed so much in the year that I have been in EDM. Wow!

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