Descanso White Azalea – Daily Painting
Descanso White Azalea – 7.25 x 5.3 inches – watercolor on 140# paper – available
The azaleas have started blooming at Descanso again – some bushes show great masses of them and others just show one or two here and there. These were the topmost blossoms on one bush in the Japanese teahouse area. No doubt the rest of the shrub will burst forth very soon. I was painting there around noontime and the light striking the flowers made them seem to glow from within.
If you are going to be in the LA area in the spring, you really must visit Descanso Gardens in La Canada – one of LA’s loveliest botanical gardens.
March 8, 2007
Another absolutely beautiful one!
March 8, 2007
AWESOME, KAREN! I love the way you’ve captured light thru the petals!
Elizabeth JOy
March 8, 2007
The light in these flowers capture me. Thank you for sharing!
Elizabeth Joy
March 8, 2007
Just absolutely GORGEOUS Karen!!!!
Jo Castillo
March 8, 2007
There is so much beautiful color in your white azalea! Love it!
March 8, 2007
Oooooooooo! Fine – You’re reduced me to just making noises of delight! LOL! Just beautiful, Karen! The contrast is so stunning. I love your faint branches in the background as well.
March 8, 2007
How I manage to consistently accumulate typos in my comments to your blog, I just don’t know. The work must just inspire my fingers to want to type faster (“Faster! Faster!”) than my brain can edit… [sigh]
March 8, 2007
Azaleas already! How wonderful! And I love the touches of purple…
Amy B
March 8, 2007
Every thing you paint is just wonderful. I keep track of your work and you are amazing .What talent you have!
March 9, 2007
This is really beautiful. I love the dark background. Makes the flowers really jump out.