Rolling and Golden – California oak tree hill landscape oil painting

“Rolling and Golden”
Central Coast California oak covered hills
20 x 24 inches
Oil on canvas

I’m continuing my series exploring California’s beautiful rolling golden hillsides. This one is from the Central Coast, where the grass is currently long, lush and green. But very soon the rains will fade and the grass will turn the most beautiful shade of ochre and amber. According to historical accounts, California’s hills weren’t always like this. The golden color comes from wild oats which were imported to feed livestock during the Spanish colonial period. Native species were edged out in the process.

Enjoy this painting in your own home and have golden California glory with you year round.

Interested in this painting?
Click this link to write me.
See more of my paintings on my website

To see more oak tree landscape paintings please also visit: Karen Winters Oak Tree Paintings


  1. Brenda Joslin
    June 2, 2017

    I would like to know the price of your painting Rolling and Golden. Also, do you sell prints of your originals?
    Thank you,

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