Eaton Canyon Stream – California landscape painting
“Eaton Canyon Stream”
9 x 12 oil painting
In the years when we have heavy rain, the stream coming out of Eaton Canyon is full and fast-flowing. Other years, not so much. At the headwaters there are several waterfalls, some of which are quite risky to get to.
This view of the stream is looking south, from the east side of the canyon.
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Barbara Pask
March 22, 2014
Beautiful, just beautiful.
March 22, 2014
Thank you, Barbara
March 22, 2014
My kind of place. My kind of smaller stream. My kind of lights touching up some rocks and grasses and leaves and water. And my kind of painting, Karen. It lifts my heart to see this painting, early this morning. Thank you for sharing it.
March 22, 2014
Thanks, Annie!
January 24, 2015
Back, again, Karen,
I got a new computer so back in the land of the living. Is it possible to put this painting on Face Book? I have no tech savvy so no idea. But I would love to share it on my Timeline. Perhaps you don’t show paintings that you have sold?