Mary-Linns Bridal Shop Pasadena – Urban Oil Painting Wedding Dress shopping art
‘When you find ‘The One'”
11 x 14 oil painting on canvas
Wedding gown shoppers at Mary Linn’s Bridal Shop in Pasadena, California
For a long time, I’ve wanted to paint a charming bridal shop in Pasadena named Mary Linns. I’m guessing that it has been there a very long time and no doubt contributed to the joy of thousands and thousands of brides. This young couple was window shopping. I can only imagine what was going through both their minds. I think this has a nice narrative quality to it. It happense to be Pasadena, but it could really be anywhere that young lovers plan their future.
September 6, 2011
The idea of this painting is very nice. It’s not only about the bridal shop but also the people, who are wondering around it, thinking and planning for their wedding. I really like this painting.