Newport Back Bay Twilight – Newport Beach California estuary marine oil painting
Back Bay Twilight
(Upper Newport Bay – “Back Bay,” California)
9 x 12 oil on canvas panel
Plein air oil painting
This is sold, but you can see more of my Newport Beach paintings here
This was one of the paintings that I took to the Newport Back Bay show last weekend, one of several which went home with new collectors. What a great weekend it was meeting so many new people and sharing my love of art with them. The weather was beautiful. Good times all around.
Now I’m painting for several upcoming shows but my outdoor show schedule will settle down until early September when I do the Montrose Artwalk again, followed by the Bowers Museum Invitational show. It’s good to have a few weeks off to regroup, get out and paint some new work for fall exhibitions.
Patti Gibbons
July 27, 2010
Hi Karen; lovely painting. I have one like that myself that I need to finish. One thing I wanted to ask. Do you sign all your paintings on the front? I have an issue with it, especially on small paintings. I feel like my signature takes away from the painting, so I don’t sign on front, rather on the back somewhere. I saw someone else from the late 1800’s who did it that way too….no signature on front. A fairly well known painter. I am just curious how other painter’s feel about this/handle it. Patti
Marian Fortunati
July 27, 2010
Another lucky collector.. You continue to wow me with your paintings and your terrific marketing!!!
July 27, 2010
I love the way the water leads us into the painting, Karen. Lovely space and reflected sky.