Hispanic Man – Karen Winters Daily Painting

Hispanic Man – 8 x 10″ oil on canvas

No, I am not putting landscape painting aside; I will continue with it as always, but I am interested in doing some portrait painting in oil, which has an entirely different feel and way of working than portraiture in watercolor. This was painted in one session, starting with a sketch and progressing until all of the canvas was covered with paint. I don’t know this man; he was listening to a speaker at an outdoor event and I liked the look of his face.


  1. Jenny
    March 4, 2008

    Very nice! Would love to see what changes you might make, if any, to this after your class.

  2. Cathy (Kate) Johnson
    March 5, 2008

    oooh, wish I’d seen your Great Blue Heron, girl! I’m not keeping up very well…

  3. Susan
    March 5, 2008

    I profess myself to be in awe of the consistantly high quality art you show, no matter the medium you seem to know the how’s and whys of producing the type of art work that makes us want to linger with longing.

  4. Col
    March 5, 2008

    He does have an interesting face! Oh to have him model again. I really like the way you laid the paint above the (his) right eye, and the right cheek/nose&mouth area YUM! Alive! I only wish there was there was something more going on with the eyes. He’s looking right at me, but he seems … disappointed. LOL Did you work from memory?

  5. Ujwala
    March 5, 2008

    He does look very interesting. I love the way you’ve captured the slicked back hair. fabulous!

  6. Tami
    March 6, 2008

    This is wonderful, Karen. I love the look you’ve captured on his face, intent, listening not really agreeing nor yet, disagreeing…Excellent!

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