Fall at Huntington Gardens -Karen Winters daily painting

Fall at the Huntington – 9 x 12 oil on canvas on hardboard

In Southern California sometimes our seasons get all mixed up. Summer flowers are still blooming while deciduous trees have already lost their leaves. This tree stands outside a gallery at Huntington Gardens, and is in the process of losing its finery. Evergreens will keep the gardens looking lush and beautiful year round – from the tall conifers and deodars to cypresses and olives, like the little olive tree that stands guard on the other side of the doorway.

I’m still not feeling well, but it hasn’t put a damper on my desire to make art. I just have to do it indoors rather than painting en plein air for now.


  1. Brenda
    November 24, 2007

    Sorry you’re not feeling well, but your cold has certainly not effected your painting! I know this area at the Huntington and you have captured it so well! Gorgeous greens on that olive tree and I love the darks!!

  2. wendy
    November 25, 2007

    I like the shapes in the lower half of the painting. Hope you feel beter soon.

  3. Bec
    November 25, 2007

    Wow this is gorgeous! I really like your style. nice depth and colors!

  4. Sherie
    February 3, 2010

    Simply beautiful! Love the colors!

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