Let’s Play – Daily Painting

“Let’s Play” – 8 x 10 acrylic on canvasboard

A few days ago, at an art gathering, one of the people mentioned that a local art club was having a show on the theme “Americana” and invited me to submit something. I realized that it was too late to paint something in oils, due to the drying time, and I wanted more of an oil look instead of watercolor. So I decided to paint this in acrylic instead. I don’t often paint in acrylic but I have to say that the convenience of having something done and ready to show quickly is really appealing.

I’ll also consider this something for the Everyday Matters “Draw some sporting goods” challenge.

The more different media I explore, the more I come to realize that painting is just painting. Although there are specifics that are pertinent to the particular medium (painting from light to dark in watercolor, vs. dark to light in oil … having to ‘save whites’ in watercolor vs. the freedom of painting white over other layers in oils) … a great deal of painting is much the same. Brush handling, painting values and shapes, composition, modeling forms – these things are very much the same no matter the medium. The other day I picked up one of Charles Reid’s books on flower painting and I was amazed at the consistency between his watercolor and oil painting. They both portray Reid’s characteristic style and flair, even though rendered in completely different media.

So if you’ve been avoiding experimenting in a different medium, give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised that it’s not as difficult a stretch as you might think.


  1. Kate (Cathy) Johnson
    June 29, 2007

    Who’da thunk it? That’s a GORGEOUS ball glove… *GG* As I often tell my students pretty much what you’ve said, painting is just painting. Shapes are shapes. Anything can be beautiful…and this is.

  2. Linda T
    June 29, 2007

    Wow, such texture on that glove! This is terrific.

  3. teric
    June 29, 2007

    What a gorgeous painting Karen! It’s just so gorgeous! That glove and ball are perfect.

  4. Tami
    June 29, 2007

    Dang! Karen this is EXCELLENT! I can almost smeel the sweat on the leather…Beautiful!

  5. Pamela
    June 29, 2007

    I should try acrylics. that is wonderful painting.

  6. andrea
    June 29, 2007

    Wow Karen. Brilliant.

  7. ksklein
    June 30, 2007

    wow. looks almost like a photograph

  8. Jenny
    June 30, 2007

    The glove has the feel of real leather, and the whole painting is so familiar. I suppose the glove with ball is part of everyone’s life through family or friends. Beautifully done subject!

  9. Jana Bouc
    June 30, 2007

    Oh my gosh! This is absolutely stunning! You’ve become a master of all media! It really looks like oils to me.

    I also agree with what you said about painting is painting. It’s kind of like speaking several languages. Even though speech is composed of words, letters, sentences, the important thing is the meaning of what is being said (in talking or painting), rather than how the words are spelled or the grammar, though without those it doesn’t make sense (like this last sentence probably didn’t make sense either). I guess I’m saying the medium ISN’T the message, it’s just the vehicle for the expression and one language/medium isn’t any better than another. (Although I suppose like Italian might be better for romantic speech, watercolor is better for certain messages.) OK, enough rambling. Anyway, thanks for the great post!

  10. nina johansson
    July 1, 2007

    Beautiful – and very American in the eyes of a Swede… I love how you managed to capture the texture of the leather and of the ball, different from each other. You are one skilled lady!

  11. laura tm
    July 1, 2007

    Where’s the bat? Let’s play ball!! This is superb Karen and so very Americana in flavor. I’ve been surprised as well to see
    artists who paint in oil, paint in watercolor too – the mediums couldn’t be more opposite but you’re right, it’s not the medium
    it’s our techniques and how we apply them. Now I just have to get my techniques down – practice practice rinse repeat :)

  12. sandy
    July 2, 2007

    WOW – this glove and ball sing with life!!

  13. Sherie
    July 15, 2007

    What a beautiful job you did on this and with such a tight deadline. Kudos! I’m sure people will be bowled over by your talent. I know I am.

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