Two Sweets – Daily Painting
“Two sweets” 5 1/8″ x 7 1/8″
Oil on canvas mounted on hardboard. Available.
While I finish up my larger painting, here’s a little one for today – two chocolates from Trader Joes. They were presented as pralines, but they are actually milk chocolate. The red ones have an amaretto flavor, the silver ones are tiramisu and chocolate. Very very delicious.
Today, on the way back from lunch, I spent some time looking at liquidambar trees. We have an assignment in our watercolor class to study trees very carefully this week, no doubt in preparation for some tree painting on Saturday. I like drawing trees and painting them as well. I guess you just can’t study something too much, can you? I thought I might be bored by the tree drawing assignment because I paint trees so often, but I’m finding, as I expected, that nothing dealing with art is boring to me. At least not now. Well, washing brushes is sort of boring, and gessoing canvases, but the creating part is endlessly enjoyable.
January 25, 2007
You’ve done a great job on getting the reflections on the wrappers. Fabulous.
January 25, 2007
Detlef, thank you. I had to position the setup pretty close to me because those reflections are tiny! I kept peering at them, then back at the canvas. Peer, paint, repeat, etc. One thing that helped was trying to forget about the idea of shininess and just see shape and value. Only when I stood back from it did it look shiny. Interesting experience!
January 26, 2007
This is just beautiful. I think the effort that you describe putting into this shows in the way this painting transcends its subject matter. There’s an emotional layer here that’s very difficult to describe. Sorry if that sounds incoherent – this painting touches a chord with me – it has an emotional honesty – I love it!
January 26, 2007
Oh wow. Lovely lovely lovely. Nice sort of precious mood. The reflections are fantastic, but the shadows you’ve done are really wonderful, too. Mmmm-mm!
January 26, 2007
Wow! Such a simple subject with great results. Like I could open them up and start eating.
margaret hunt
January 29, 2007
cant type…too early…thanks:> Very nice….and great reflections…have heard rumors of Trader JOes from a Ca friend…one day maybe they will build one here …ah yah right:>
January 29, 2007
I can’t get over how realistic that foil is. Wow.