Santa Barbara Glow – Daily Painting

“Santa Barbara Glow” – acrylic on 140# watercolor paper
7.5 x 11 inches

I wasn’t sure I’d have time to do an oil painting today, and to photograph it, color correct it and get it sent to eBay. So it occurred to me that maybe I should try this scene in acrylic instead. I did, and I’m pleased with the outcome, and I think I’ll be adding this medium as a nice crossover between the quick-drying benefits of watercolor and the opacity and painterly qualities of oil.

Most of all I loved the ability to paint over and correct some areas without muddying, which happens in both oils and watercolor, for different reasons. You can do that in pastel, of course, but at a certain point the paper loses it’s tooth and you can’t layer any more. Why didn’t I think of doing this sooner?


  1. Don West
    December 17, 2006

    A great solution to the slow drying oils is Holbein DUO Water Soluble Oils and a bit of the Grumbacher Quickdry Medium. It’s a tad bit slower than acrylic to dry but one day works. I can’t tell a difference in the way the Duo oils handle and the “real” oils. Plus you’ll end up with a painting that looks like oil instead of acrylic in luster and patina.

    Beautiful job on this one! Keep ’em coming!

  2. Annie
    December 17, 2006

    “Glow” is a good title– it DOES. Fun to see. Is it my eyes or do you think it has some of the qualities of both oils and watercolor– some of the texture of oil and the flow of watercolor?

  3. n.b.
    December 17, 2006

    Wow, beautiful! You really have the touch with acrylic. It’s a rare gift!

  4. hfm
    December 18, 2006

    Love it too!

  5. Gladys
    December 18, 2006

    It’s great. Love the mountains

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