
It’s stiflingly hot here – today is supposed to be the hottest day of the season so far – and according to today’s radio report it could be 112F. This rockrose, being a native, doesn’t seem to care about the climate. I’m a native, too, but I like air conditioning and copious amounts of cool drinks or I wilt.

Rockroses have crinkly tissue paper thin petals, similar to matilija poppies in the way they look. Those matilijas are also a drought-tolerant native, so I’m guessing that the very thin petals have something to do with water conservation.


  1. Dabs
    July 22, 2006

    Nice wc painting! I love these little flowers.

    It was a hot one today… 104 – 107 around here… just too hot! I sure don’t want to paint or sketch outside right now…:)

  2. Tami
    July 23, 2006

    Karen, You did a beatuiful job of capturing the crinkly thin quality of these flowers! Hope this heat breaks soon!

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