Avalon at Night – Catalina Island Oil Painting

“Avalon at Night”
Catalina Island Oil Painting
12 x 24 inches
Oil on Canvas

See more Catalina Island paintings here

This painting will be included in a group show at Segil Fine Art, themed “Colors of Catalina.” The artists’ reception will be September 11 from 5 to 7 pm. At night the lights of Avalon Harbor gleam against the deep blue ocean. Catalina has been a popular getaway spot for Southern Californians (and many others) for a century. We’ve enjoyed visiting from before our kids were born. Camp Fox provided other reasons for family getaways. Now it beckons again – its own unique charm is wonderful for painters.


  1. annie
    August 29, 2010

    Unbelievable.. The night has beautiful shades and lights.

  2. Kelly
    August 30, 2010

    This is gorgeous! You need like buttons on here so I can like it!

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