Carmel Bay Shimmer – beach seascape marine oil painting
Carmel Bay Shimmer
8 x 10 inches, oil painting on plein air panel
Carmel Bay, Monterey County California
This new painting features one of my favorite ocean scenes – Carmel Bay on the Monterey Peninsula. This viewpoint is looking southward across the bay toward Monastery Beach. The Carmel River enters the bay on the left. I’m not sure what kind of rocks these are – they seem harder than sandstone or I think they’d be more worn away … but they are certainly rounded into interesting shapes via wave action. There’s something about them that reminds me of Henry Moore sculptures.
Asilomar – Monterey seascape plein air oil painting – California impressionist art
Asilomar Waves (Near Pacific Grove, Monterey Peninsula, California)
8 x 10 inches, plein air oil painting
In the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to travel up and down California’s west coast, enjoying the spring wildflowers and the clear skies over the oceans. One of my favorite painting spots is Asilomar, near Pacific Grove, on the Monterey Peninsula. My little Strada mini easel set up so quickly I was painting in no time. Whenever I paint ocean scenes, it takes more time to get into the rhythm of the scene. With other landscapes there’s little movement except for perhaps cloud shadows. The ocean is a whole different challenge and its dynamic nature takes more concentration.
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See more of my California Central Coast paintings here
Carmel Bay cypress seascape California impressionist oil painting
Carmel Bay Cypress
6 x 8 inch oil painting
This miniature oil painting of a cypress tree growing by Carmel Bay was inspired by a visit last year. Cypresses always look sculptural to me as their form reflects the action of the local winds. The petite size fits perfectly into a miniature collection.
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Carmel Bay, Quiet Day oil painting by Karen Winters
Quiet Day on Carmel Bay
11 x 14 inch oil painting
Interested in Carmel paintings?
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It was a quiet day when we were on the Monterey Peninsula. There was a slight mist in the air which softened some of the colors. The waters of Carmel Bay truly reflected the word “Pacific” – peaceful. This view of Carmel Bay looks slightly to the south and Point Lobos, where I have painted before.