Pear tree with fruit – oil painting by Karen Winters
Pear Tree at the Old Mill
12 x 9 oil painting on linen
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El Molino Viejo, in San Marino, California is an old adobe building where historically there was a grist mill. Growing around the far side of the building is a wonderful pear tree which continues to bear fruit in season. I’m guessing it’s a dwarf variety, and probably does not date back to the age of the building. But I think it adds a bit of old California charm to the location, along with the pomegranate trees. It suggests the kinds of trees that were abundant in California missions.
December 12, 2012
Lovely, Karen. Your sharing the history about the early trees around the missions gives it extra richness and meaning.
I always love it when you do that. Thank you.
Cafe Pasadena
December 17, 2012
A beautiful, but sad, example of what California used to be. Now, we are even importing much of our fruit/produce!
David O Russell
February 26, 2013
Unbelievable painting, Your colors texture is excellent.