Rancho Camulos Orange Grove Heritage Valley oil painting

Rancho Camulos Orange Grove
14 x 18 inches
oil on canvas

More Heritage Valley Highway 126 paintings here

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In the Santa Clara River Valley just northwest of Los Angeles (also known as Heritage Valley), there are numerous reminders that the old California of orange groves and agricultural fields is still very much with us. This scene was inspired by an orange grove growing near Rancho Camulos, along the highway 126 corridor.

I grew up in a house near orange groves, and I walked by them every morning on the way to the bus stop. There is something intoxicating about the scent of orange blossoms. I’m fortunate that our neighbor has numerous citrus trees in her back yard, and I still benefit from that wonderful smell whenever they are in bloom.


  1. Lisa S.
    January 2, 2013

    beautiful painting of the orange groves. I too grew up in citrus (redlands) and the scent of a blossoming grove is amazing! Is your painting of the groves for sale?

  2. Gail Ruwe
    May 2, 2013

    Dear Karen ~

    I love your work. I grew up in Riverside, California- back in the day when an orange grove was your backyard. This painting calls to me.
    I now live on the beautiful coast of Maine, but will retire to California (kids and grandkids are there) in a few years.
    I’m interested in whether this painiting is for sale? It could help me keep my eye on the goal. Please advise. Thanks- and keep painting! Gail

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