When California Hills Turn Gold – California Impressionist Landscape Oil Painting by Karen Winters
“When California Hills Turn Gold”
9 x 12 oil painting on plein air panel
See more of my landscapes here
See more of my paintings on my website
The winter season has almost departed and the bright fresh green of springtime is starting to leave some of our hills. Soon they will all be shades of brown and tan, creamy white with wild grasses with hints of violet and sienna. This transition is as predictable as the fall return of Santa Ana winds and the carpet of poppies that covers the foothills of the western Sierra.
Jeannie M
April 3, 2015
Can you paint another of the first painting, similar?
I have no idea how much your paintings cost.
That would of course be important.
I want a painting of California hills of my chlldhood.
I am 68 now!
Thank you.
Jeannie Amdahl Meagher