Roses and Hollyhocks Floral Painting

Roses and Hollyhocks
6″ x 8″ acrylic on canvas
Floral botanical painting

A miniature painting, 6 x 8″ – of some hollyhocks which are currently blooming near where I live. Ruffles and flourishes in a summer mood. I’ve been experimenting with acrylic and doing some plein air painting with it, too. Although it handles much differently from oil, there are similarities with both oil and watercolor, two media that I feel comfortable with. I especially like the brilliant color which doesn’t seem to muddy as much as oil does.


  1. Jacq
    June 16, 2010

    I use both oil and acrylic – have you tried the open acrylics, yet ?

  2. Terry Banderas
    June 20, 2010

    This is SO nicely done. It is beautiful.

  3. Alex Tan
    June 20, 2010

    Simply Gorgeous! Love the strong contrasts of the leaves and flowers

  4. tani
    June 20, 2010

    this is really amazing

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