Fallbrook Ranch Afternoon

“Meanwhile, back at the ranch”
10 x 12 oil
plein air painting of a ranch in Fallbrook, California

Late afternoon light casts long shadows across the pasture of this peaceful ranch in Fallbrook, California. When I was there painting, the peepers had already started their songs in the nearby irrigation canals. Spring grasses have turned to summer gold, perfect for grazing.

This weekend, June 27-28, I’ll be at the San Clemente Art Association Annual Show and Sale on the lawn by the community center. Dozens and dozens of plein air painters will be there, so I hope you can stop by if you live in that vicinity.


  1. Marian Fortunati
    June 25, 2009

    Hi Karen..
    Looks like you’re doing well down there in San Clemente. Does the painting phase end tomorrow? Have you had any time to socialize or is it all paint and no play??? Best of luck to you and the gang! Hope you got some nice weather on an few days down there… (Although I guess that’s why you went inland, isn’t it??)

    Be well.

  2. Timaree
    June 27, 2009

    I really like this one. There is somewhere specific to go in this one yet it retains the country feel to it. I love the movement here and the destination for the road showing up in the distance.

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