Poppy and Mandarin Still Life – California impressionist Karen Winters
Poppies and Mandarins
14 x 18 oil on canvas
Painted from life
The brilliant but delicate iceland poppies form a backdrop for the mandarin oranges. Or perhaps they were tangerines or clementines. I can never be sure about citrus.
There is some glare on this painting because it’s soaking wet, but I hope it conveys the general idea. I’ll shoot another picture in a week or so when it is dry.
It has been pouring rain here, which we dearly need. Tomorrow morning I hope that I wake to see snow on the Angeles Crest mountains. If so, it will be a good day to go out and paint a rare scene. These mountains are infrequently dusted, and sometimes subsequent rains wash it away if there’s not sufficient cold. Blue skies, white snow and a few scantily-clad sycamore trees still holding onto their leaves like fan-dancers protecting their modesty. Brrr.
Marian Fortunati
December 16, 2008
I can amost smell the citrus!!
Isn’t the rain glorious!!… It does look more clear today… Perhaps you’ll get your snow scene.
Be well.
December 16, 2008
We didn’t get as cold as we were told but the mountains had a light dusting of snow. Hope you got your snow and get your chance to paint it.
This is a great still life. Poppys and tangerines (I think all the ones you mentioned are just versions of tangerines) – two yummy things together.
December 20, 2008
Mmmmm….I’m glad I dropped by. That lovely burst of color is just what I needed on this gray day! Very nice.