Poppy Paradise – Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve – Karen Winters Oil Painting for Make A Wish
“Poppy Paradise” 8 x 10 oil on canvas
Yes, this plein-air style painting is for sale. And for a very good cause. It will be delivered tomorrow to the Make a Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles for their 15th annual wine tasting and auction at the Barker Hangar, Santa Monica Airport on Saturday, May 3. One of the organizers saw my work and asked if I’d participate with a donation, and I was delighted to give her a big YES, absolutely!
So, if you are in the LA area and planning on going to the fabulous festive event – keep a lookout for this painting and put a bid on it, OK? The Make a Wish Foundation helps grant wishes to children who are very ill. I hope that this poppy field will go to help make some little kid’s dream come true.
I chose the subject matter for this painting because it is peak season for poppies in the high desert of the Antelope Valley. And if there’s any time that people will be thinking about poppies, it’s probably now. To me it also has some nice associations with the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy and her friends’ journey through the poppy field and her dearest wish, to get back home.
Here’s to the children … may they all be happy and may all their good wishes come true.
April 23, 2008
Another beautiful painting by you. What an awesome cause!
April 24, 2008
Living in the UK, I usually can’t help associating poppies with memorials to the battlefields of WWI, but this painting is so vibrant, its juicy reds and oranges have given these flowers back the joyfulness of a Monet!
April 24, 2008
Strange text appearig in my link in the last message … ?? I don’t know what it is, but perhaps it should be deleted in case it’s corrupt?
April 24, 2008
Thanks everyone
April 24, 2008
I hope it bring LOTS OF $$$$ for the kidletts! Such a great thing to be participating in. The painting is warm and happy too.