Winter Peace

Winter Peace – 12 x 16 oil on canvas

On a day like this, with new evidence of the world’s continuing strife and disharmony, I’m posting this recent painting with a wish for peace and harmony in the coming year. My rational side knows that such a wish is unlikely to be fulfilled anytime soon, but the alternative is resignation to despair. And I’m not ready to take that curmudgeonly step.

In the next few days I’ll post a brief retrospective of my art year, looking back on 2007 goals and setting some new ones for the future.


  1. Bonny in BC
    December 27, 2007

    Karen, this a beautiful painting! I love the serenity in it and it’s perfect for your New Year wishes.

    My wish for you also, is a New Year filled with art challenges, Peace, Health and Happiness.


  2. Don West
    December 27, 2007

    This one is grand :-)
    I can see why it sold.
    It’s a very peaceful scene.
    People have a hard time finding these sorts of places now.
    I think they turn to art to get there.
    Very, very nice. :-)

  3. wendy
    December 27, 2007

    Peace – what a gift it would be if we all practiced it. Lovely picture. Hoorah for artists and composers and writers who think on these things.

  4. PainterWoman
    December 27, 2007

    Very appealing… (and amazing to me, a California native, knowing that there isn’t much snow around you!). I completely recommend Katie Byron’s Challenge Your Thinking, Change the World for comfort and revival of optimism. It probably isn’t to everyone’s taste (and I don’t get anything for mentioning it)… but it helped me through the death of a dear friend, sadnesses suffered by my children, and the frustrations I’ve been feeling about world politics. Warm regard.

  5. Bill
    December 28, 2007

    Beautiful painting, Karen.
    I like the bold color temperature contrasts and the way the icy cold snow still gives me a shivery feeling. And that pink foliage (or is it persimmon?) to the right says you put some thought into your color variety, or was it intuitiion!

  6. liza hirst
    December 28, 2007

    Dear Karen,

    I am enjoying your series of winter landscapes very much.
    The autumn scene “La Canada” was great, too.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  7. Katherine
    December 28, 2007

    Beautiful – cold and warm at the same time!

  8. Ella
    December 28, 2007

    Wonderful scene! Love the composition and the color contrast. I also try to concentrate on the things that I want, especially peace. I might not change the world, but at least I feel peaceful.

  9. rhonda hurwitz
    December 28, 2007

    what a beautiful painting…just wonderful

  10. Jo Castillo
    December 28, 2007

    Karen, I really like this, too. A perfect way to start off our year. Thank you, and wishing you the best as well.

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