Asparagus – Watercolor painting
Asparagus 9 x 12 – 100 lb. paper
From my sketchbook …. When asparagus shows up in stores it’s a sure sign of spring, even if it comes from Chile or who knows where. My dear husband knows how much I love the vegetable and when it appears for a good price at Trader Joe’s or one of our other local markets, he brings it home when he’s out doing errands. I like it simply prepared, like most of the fresh vegetables we enjoy around here. Steamed or microwaved briefly, with a little butter and salt.
This was painted directly with ink and brush and watercolor. Simple and quick, just like asparagus should be prepared.
March 2, 2007
I don’t like asparagus, but I love your painting!
March 2, 2007
Now those are kids who like vegetables, Casey! I haven’t had the blanched asparagus but I’ll have to try it some day. My mother tended to cook vegetables for a very long time – like 40 minutes or so for green beans and asparagus probably for 10 or more. As a result I never liked vegetables growing up. Imagine my surprise as an adult to discover stir-fry and crisp-tender. There are very few few vegetables I don’t care for – brussels sprouts and turnips being at the top of the list.
It’s time for me to get the vegetable beds going …
March 2, 2007
Your sketch is making my mouth water. Lovely! I don’t have “sparrowgrass” often, but I do like it – just the way you describe.
It certainly feels like spring here in Ely today. I took an hour-and-a-half walk in the early morning sunshine with my daughter in her pushchair. Didn’t get the chance to sketch but I soaked it all in for another day.
March 2, 2007
I love this painting. So loose and yet perfect to make the aspargus look good enough to eat.
March 2, 2007
From the US to Australia, across the world, Mothers traditionally boiled those poor greens to death! I’m mad about asparagus, lightly cooked with butter, cracked pepper and (of course) finely grated Parmesan cheese. Beautiful watercolour, Karen!
March 2, 2007
My favortie veggie! I could eat it in the spring for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Great painting.
March 2, 2007
Oh yeah — another asparagus lover here! But I love mine steamed just barely and then skimmed over with melted butter (REAL butter) and lemon. Then it is so good you just HAVE to eat it with you fingers! Great sketch, Karen!
March 2, 2007
Asparagus was my standard “fancy appetizer” dish to serve to special friends. Blanched, cut into inch-long bits, with butter and large-grain Kosher/sea salt, there’s nothing better!
Asparagus Risotto is always a crowd-pleaser too, with lemon of course.
March 2, 2007
Oh yum. As if the painting weren’t wonderful enough, all this talk of the real vegetable! I haven’t been cooking lately (yes, shame on me!), but I’ve been enjoying them out and about either stir-fried with chicken or in omlettes (with hearty whole-wheat toast. Mmmm). Lovely quick painting, Karen!
March 2, 2007
My word, lots of asparagus lovers have responded, and yes, it’s a bright juicy kind of picture.
There’s a Fiji asparagus, called ‘duruka’ more like a flower, soft, delicate and cooked in coconut cream. Our mothers DID boil vegetables to death didn’t they!
March 2, 2007
Very charming sketch, Karen. It’s making me hungry, sure sign of success when it comes to food art, right?
Brenda Yarborough
March 2, 2007
Lovely and loose painting perfectly suited for such a divine vegie!! I have an old cookbook from my grandmother – published in 1898 – and it DOES actually say to bring the vegetables and water to a full rolling boil and cook for about 40 minutes – oh Yuck!
Jo Castillo
March 2, 2007
Yum to both the painting and the asparagus. At my grandmother’s ranch it grew wild along the artesian waterway. (In dry New Mexico) We would ride working cattle all day and stop and cut some fresh and blanch and eat with butter and salt and pepper. Ohhhhh, I’m so hungry and missing the ranch. Thanks for sharing your veggies.
March 3, 2007
Makes me want to have one. Now!
March 3, 2007
we had asparagus for dinner. cute coincidence.
I think I should lay out some carrots and paint them (now that I’ve eaten the asparagus) (:
March 5, 2007
I love asparagus too – cute painting!
January 29, 2008
I love your work, very loose. Do you do a whole series of vegetables?