Fall guys

“Fall Guys” 6″ x 6″ pastel on paper.

A good art buddy brought me this lil punkin last week when she came over to visit, and I thought it was so cute i paired it with a little striped gourd that I had hanging around. It has a Mutt and Jeff quality that I like and it was fun to paint (in pastel.)

This was done on a dark brown Mi-Tientes paper, which shows through in the texture here and there. I used the rough side.


  1. Pamela
    October 23, 2006

    I need to show this one to my fruit and veggie painting fiend (yes fiend.. no really she’s my friend, but she’s a fiend about fruits and vegetables)

  2. shelly
    October 24, 2006

    Great pastel painting Karen!

  3. Michael Emerald
    October 24, 2006

    Very nice. I particularly like learning from the colors that you put into the shadows. No need to reply.


  4. Marilyn
    October 24, 2006

    As always your art is intriguing – these are so simple looking and yet they have such depth.

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