Painting a Day – Sunflower fall

Art, daily painting, floral, Nature, Pastel | October 3, 2006 | By


Ah, the treasures of fall. First persimmons and now these. Fruit and flowers are in abundance everywhere I look and I want to paint them all. This little pastel is 4″ x 4″ and was so much fun to do – especially the velvety dark centers.


  1. Ujwala
    October 4, 2006

    these are lovely! and a very nice crop too.

  2. Renate
    October 4, 2006

    Gorgeous! Rich and luscious.

  3. Jennafer
    October 4, 2006

    Hi Karen! I’ve been “away from my desk” since August and not really keeping up. Your art is fantastic! I can see progress since August! And how cool that
    you are putting stuff up on e-bay. I will definitely be bidding on something that comes up! Thanks for being such an inspiration. I haven’t put anything
    up on my blog for months, but I have been doing at least a little art. Thanks for still being out there and doing it! Jennafer

  4. TeriC
    October 4, 2006

    I love these sunflowers Karen. They just glow and shine! Gosh, are you selling everything you do??

  5. Karen
    October 5, 2006

    Teri, I’m not offering everything for sale, but many, yes. An eBay store’s coming where older paintings will be available, and prints of those I don’t want to let go. Friends have been giving me encouraging nudges, so it felt like time to dive in …

  6. Gladys
    October 5, 2006

    I love this piece.

  7. Paula
    October 5, 2006

    Wow, I love these.

  8. Nancy Coler
    October 8, 2006

    This piece just knocks my socks off Karen! (And in this lovely cooler weather I was actually wearing socks!) Perhaps it’s the pastels, or the fact that you
    practically got inside these glorious sunflowers. The bold warm colors set off by the cooler dark green background really make this 4×4 pop! Well done!

  9. Pamela
    October 10, 2006

    I like your mix on the centers – I can see several colors that make them look alive.

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