Cottonwood Country Colorado landscape oil painting

Cottonwood Country
8 x 10 oil painting
Colorado plein air style oil painting, near Cortez

This painting came out of my 2015 summer trip to Colorado. We passed through many beautiful meadow and farming areas, and were pleased to see how green and healthy the trees were, with adequate water – as compared to California with its persistent drought. I used some palette knife work and a rougher than usual canvas to capture a bit of the feeling of the blowing leaves. I think it works pretty well.


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© Karen Winters Fine Art 2016

Colorado plein air landscape painting – cloudy day

“Colorado Cloudy Day”
8 x 10 inches, oil on plein air panel

I painted this as we were on the way from Monte Vista, Colorado to Gunnison. It was just a turn off the highway into a campground, but when I saw it I knew I had to stop. The sky was clear when I started blocking in the scene, but before long large clouds starting rolling in and completely filled the horizon. I had just finished when raindrops started to fall, so we scrambled to get everything under cover and into our car. Not long after, the storm blew through and the sky was sunny again. Then more clouds and raindrops, more sun. It was like that for our whole trip. I guess that’s what they mean by Monsoon Season!