Paso Robles Vineyard Oak California Landscape Oil Painting
“Paso Robles Vineyard Oak”
8 x 10 oil painting on canvas on hardboard
See more of my vineyard paintings here
See more of my California Central Coast paintings here
See more of my landscapes here
The Paso Robles wine growing area has developed so much over the past few years. Every time we take a trip through there we see new vineyards and new plantings. Oaks seem to be iconic in these vineyards. Although it appears that most of the barrels are actually made in France rather than from domestic oaks, I like that some are preserved to add their beauty to the landscape.
This Golden Land – California Central Coast Impressionist Oil Painting by Karen Winters
“This Golden Land”
10″ x 20″ oil on canvas
See more of my landscapes here
This painting represents my first experience in painting a panoramic scene, as opposed to rectangular canvases I normally use for studio paintings which are more in a 4:3 aspect ratio. You’d have to see it in person to see how it captures more of the feeling of “being there.” I think that’s because we are used to seeing panoramically more than through windows.
The location of this painting in in California’s Central Coast region near Paso Robles. It is wine country, but I’m guessing that this golden field was used as grazing pastureland. If I were a cow I’d think it was a little bit of heaven. The time of day was about 4 pm in mid summer when there was still plenty of light to illuminate the field, but not so much that the colors were all washed out. How I’d love to be back there at this moment, painting, and listening to the calls of the red winged blackbirds. I can imagine that there are probably a few head of cattle resting under that big oak in the windbreak. Can you?
One other note about the painting. Because it is wet there is a bit of glare in the sky that is brighter than the actual painting. It is light in that part of the sky, but not “burned out” white. When It’s drier I’ll reshoot it or scan it. Until then, I need to get it uploaded.
This Saturday, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ll be painting in the tearoom lobby at the Langham Huntington Hotel in San Marino as a weekend “artist in residence.” We are invited to bring a few paintings along for display and I’m hoping this will be dry enough by then to travel.