Fallbrook Eucalyptus California impressionist oil painting
“Fallbrook Eucalyptus”
9 x 12 inch oil painting
on wood panel
In late winter, California fields and meadows think it’s spring. The first bit of rain brings back the green grass and a scattering of flowers.
I decided to paint this one with a secondary triadic color scheme, ignoring some of the actual color in favor of adding a bit of harmony from a limited palette.
That means, in non art-speak, that I chose to impose a color scheme upon the scene rather than painting exactly what nature gave me. And the color scheme I chose uses not primary colors (red yellow and blue) but the secondary colors they can be mixed to produce – orange, green and violet.
This painting is now sold but I have others.
Click this link to write me. See more of my paintings on my website
See more of my eucalyptus tree paintings here
Jo Castillo
February 9, 2016
This is gorgeous. I especially love the sky. The whole painting is wonderfully colorful without being overpowering. Sigh……
February 9, 2016
Thank you, Jo!